Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Paralegals Get No Respect

There are peasants and then there are peasants. A caste system still exists in WoW, and there, just below the belly of the worm you just squished with your boot, are the paralegals.

Wahbert feels sorry for them, really. Granted Wahbert gives em crap to do, gives em a crap attitude, and gives em crap deadlines to do it by, at least Wahbert doesn't go out of her way to insult them (too much effort). Well, some people do go the extra mile. Today, a paralegal sent out some stuff to the printer's for typesetting. A moment later, an email comes through copied to the whole team. "The stuff you sent were not used. Please confirm that they are useless." Ouch (no, didn't stop Wahbert from laughing out loud though).

Fear of retribution. Another brimstone and hail event has been foretold for the WoW, and Wahbert expects to be cast on distant shores, and heaven forbid, paralegaling may be the temporary solution. Wahbert is scared. Wahbert is terrified.


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I am sure you will work out fine at the distant shore. Have faith! :) Alors, let's have a sip of latte at the sidewalk there!

    /shell :)

  2. hahahah.... say it with me now... b-i-t-c-h-y!

  3. Hey, don't knock em. Paralegals are useful sometimes. When there was a moth infestation in Canberra, I got a paralegal to squish the insects. He sent an e-mail around saying he had capacity to do work. I don't think this is what he envisaged.


  4. You kill me. You really do :)
