Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Asses and Companies

Welcome to the world of printers and word conversion softwares.

Wahbert recently converted an old agreement from pdf into word, and a passage from the converted text goes something like this:

"To set up the Con,any Shareholders are to contribute to the Initial Capital an amount proportional to their shareholding. In the day to day running of the Con,any Directors shall have the powers vested in them by the Board..."

Stupid software has trouble reading the letter "p" apparently. Wahbert wonders if the Enron charter was once subjected to word conversion.. and the directors took it just a little too close to heart.

You've gOt to be able to laugh at your job to survive the day.

I don't even have a context for this one.. It's just funny seeing the word "asses" in a prospectus.

Besides, what's the difference between "asses" and "assess"? In the latter, there's just more of them, hence the extra "s".

Project Panties

Well so much for fancy project names for transactions - Project Panther, Project Doomsday, Project Happiness, Project Archer...

Wahbert recently embarked on one Project Vxx, but instead of upholding the glorious corporate tradition of using the project name (in pretty much its only use) in email headings, one of our bidders cut to the chase (the target is an undergarment manufacturer) and put it as their email header "Chinese Lingerie Company". Its contents?

"We look forward to receiving the teaser"