Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Grave Insult

Wahbert had plans for the night. She was going out on a "not-a-date" with this guy whom she met during her exile to the borderlands where they were required to keep marauders from crossing the border (some people call it repatriating illegal immigrants, whatever).

Guy called up in the afternoon and tried to postpone the "not-a-date" because he had to go overland to visit the grave of some dead relatives. Wahbert is insulted. They're already dead. Why should they care if Guy goes today or tomorrow? Wahbert on the other hand made plans to leave work early. Now Wahbert has to make plans to leave work early tomorrow. That's a lot of plans being made. Clearly Guy in his hermit ways does not comprehend the sacrifices Wahbert makes in leaving work early.

Monday, October 24, 2005

B is for...


Random Boss No. 97 came into Wahbert's room and commiserated over Wahbert's dilemma about whether or not to go for surgery. He recounted his own painful story of when he had a blister on his foot, going into details of whether he should have burst it with a needle or have a doctor look at it. That's right. Save it for the doctor.

Not very long ago, same Random Boss had stripped off his shoe and sock to show a (arguably different) blister on his foot to the Queen.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Random Boss no. 103 came into Wahbert's room and inquired after her tonsils, possibly due to the rumour that Wahbert had had her tonsils stolen while travelling in Vietnam. The rumour actually originated from two conflicting stories that somehow merged to become one as rumours do. One says Wahbert had gotten her tonsils removed. Another one says that Wahbert went to Vietnam. Over time, where the two rumours could be interpreted to co-exist, they did. Namely that the tonsils were removed in Vietnam. Did Wahbert suddenly have a killer tonsilitis attack that needed immediate surgery and a former Viet Cong wielding a curved knife had to perform the surgery notwithstanding that his legs had been blasted off during the War? No, Wahbert ate a dodgy bowl of Pho and then everything went blurry and when she woke up her tonsils were gone!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Specimen Wahbert

The Queen came in and just stared at Wahbert at close range for 5 doggone minutes because Wahbert had cut her hair. Then she called Wahbert a lizard.

Yup, the Queen has returned.