Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Bert is Back!

Ladiessssss and Gentlemen!

The long awaited return of....


Wahbert! New, improved, bigger and better!

and still stuck in the same old routine.

Well kiddos, after a 5 month (or was it 6? 7?) absence, it seems that Wahbert will be rejoining the workforce! This is the job that has been offered to Wahbert:

If you picture the firm as an oil exploration company, basically what they are doing is hauling their asses to the North Pole, and Wahbert is to join them on the expedition. When they get there, they're going to locate a piece of the Arctic about the size of a fifty cents coin, and start drilling two kilometres down, hoping to strike oil. What makes them drill at that spot? Someone told them it's a good idea and they're hoping it's true. Will they in fact find oil? Who knows. If they did, would there be enough oil to justify the cost of the expedition? One can hope.

So Wahbert, intrepid explorer of world unknown, lawyer turn oil driller, is about to embark on a new and unexpected adventure! Stay tuned for more. The journey begins when the immigration department issues its work permit!


  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Adventurer left the oil rig and started hanging out with the penguins?

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    That post was in November 06! It's now end of March 07! So did you guys strike oil yet or did you fall off that piece of ice the size of a 50 sen coin? Write/call/email me...!

  3. Hi there Wahbert. It's me, Andybert. I had a terrible, horrible thing called the stomach flu. Let me tell you about it.

    It's this moral fiber where you can't eat anything remotely oily or you face the wrath of millions of environmentally conscious hybrid owners. It's this disease, where you quickly lose all the pounds that you shed at work, while not being able to eat anything. And I'm not talking about workaholic anorexic Callista Flockhart either. You miss food as much as food misses your mouth. Remember when you were 3?

    Yes, that's right. Oh yea, still have some pics to give you...
