Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Wahbert Petting Zoo

The Master of the Universe, otherwise known as the Managing Partner, has a thing which he calls "Managing by Walking Around".

Now, many people in the World of Wahbert live in small enclosures with a glass facade, much like those big aquariums, just without the decorative anemone.

Yesterday, the MP pottered up to the World of Wahbert for a look around. Unfortunately, it was the wrong time of the day and Wahbert was the only one awake. The MP stood outside the glass window and stared curiously at Wahbert for a few minutes. Wahbert immediately activated nature's best defense - her furniture-morphing cells. Disinterested, the MP surveyed his surroundings for a moment before departing to manage another department.

Wahbert is reminded of her visit to the zoo when she was little. At all the exciting animal exhibits, there would always only be just one animal that is awake during the day. Now Wahbert understands how self-conscious the poor beasties must have felt.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    LOVE THIS ONE! You must teach me your furniture-morphing skills someday. Of course there's more of me than furniture so it could be quite a challenge for you! :P
